31.08.16 |
Альбина Хуснутдинова
Visited the hotel in August 2016 С семьей
I recommend
08.07.17 |
Visited the hotel in July 2016 Семьей с детьми
I recommend
21.03.17 |
Айгуль Галеева
Visited the hotel in July 2016 C маленькими детьми
I recommend
04.07.16 |
Visited the hotel in July 2016 Парой
I recommend
21.08.18 |
Елена Тимошенко
Visited the hotel in June 2016 Парой
I recommend
28.07.16 |
ivan666 Л
Visited the hotel in June 2016 C маленькими детьми
I recommend
24.06.16 |
Visited the hotel in June 2016 Парой
I recommend
05.05.16 |
Екатерина Главатских
Visited the hotel in April 2016 Парой
I recommend
01.05.16 |
Visited the hotel in April 2016 С семьей
Do not recommend
30.04.16 |
Екатерина Чиликова
Visited the hotel in April 2016 С коллегами по работе
I recommend
01.04.16 |
Visited the hotel in April 2016 С семьей
Do not recommend
09.04.16 |
Visited the hotel in March 2016 С друзьями
Do not recommend
19.03.16 |
Оксана Квашнина
Visited the hotel in March 2016 С друзьями
I recommend
09.03.16 |
Visited the hotel in March 2016 C маленькими детьми
I recommend
29.02.16 |
Visited the hotel in February 2016 Парой
I recommend
10.03.16 |
Юлия Хасянова
Visited the hotel in January 2016 Парой
I recommend
25.01.16 |
Visited the hotel in January 2016 С семьей
I recommend
23.11.15 |
Visited the hotel in November 2015 С семьей
I recommend
09.05.18 |
Visited the hotel in September 2015 Парой
Do not recommend
02.09.15 |
Андрей Волков
Visited the hotel in April 2015 С семьей
I recommend