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244 +0 Прирост читательского охвата
за последние 30 дней
Vacation as a couple in September 2016
21.09.16 - 28.09.16
- Do not recommend the hotel
  • 1 accommodation
  • 1 service
  • 4 food
Doesn't affect the hotel's rating



Воровство в отеле ,пропали вещи из чемодана и 150 долларов ,директор отеля за персонал не отвечает ,алкоголь разбавляют ,до пляжа 15 минут пешком ,полотенце 1 на человека ,грязные номера ,меняли номер ,поселили на 1 этаже с жуками скоробеями и мокрицами у кровати ,к русским отношение плохое ,клуба своего нет ,сдесь только спать и есть ,и море далеко ...!!!! Посмотрите другой отель или страну !!!! Опасайтесь этого отеля ,испортили отдых ,воры !!!!

All media files - 2 Photos from hoteliers - 2 Videos - 0
  • еда
  • воровство
  • грязные номера
  • хамство
  • скучные диско
  • грязь
  • море 10 минут пешком
  • алкоголь разбавлен
  • горничные плохо убирают
  • пыль
Added: 29.09.2016 01:05
Статус отзыва: Complaint - Doesn't affect the hotel's rating 450 characters in the review
Не доверяю
Не доверяю автору

Комментарии к отзыву (2)

Татьяна, это Ольга ваша соседка по отелю, полностью вас поддерживаю, написала отзыв почти слово в слово!
Useful review
18:52 20.10.16
Dear Guest,

Thank you for taking the time to write a review about your recent stay at Houda Yasmine Hammamet. We are so sorry to see you did not enjoy your overall experience with us, we also regret what it was happen with you regarding your cash money but we need to clarify some points, our hotel is well-known by official institutions of security and also travel agencies and Tour Operators by the rarity of claims and complaints filed due theft. Every room in our hotel is equipied by a safe hotel and we are informing our guests as soon as they arrive that they have to take their precautions regarding their precious and valuable objects to prevent the loss or theft. As any hotel, Houda Yasmine Hamamet disclaims any liability for loss or theft of valuable item or cash, despite this, we have accompagned our guest to the police station to file a complaint and they have provide her a supporting document which she can send to her travel agency in order to get the insurance. Our goal is to consistently provide superior service and accommodations and your comments are very important to us. The feedback we receive from our guests enables us to target problem areas and take the necessary actions to ensure similar situations can be avoided in the future. We look forward to regaining your faith, with another visit to our hotel,

Mona Guest Relation
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