1 | Profile type |
2 | Account created on | 16.02.2015 |
3 | Country | Belarus |
4 | Город | Minsk |
5 | Full Name | Аня Кондикова |
6 | Sex | Женщина |
7 | Birthday | 09.12.1985 39 years |
8 | www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000914756072&sk=photos | |
9 | Vkontakte | vk.com/id174142436 |
10 | OK | ok.ru/profile/255648828878 |
1 | Position | экономист |
2 | Interests | путешествия |
3 | Favorite quote | Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come!!! |
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