1 | Profile type |
2 | Account created on | 10.05.2011 |
3 | Country | Russia |
4 | Город | Saint Petersburg |
5 | Full Name | Лёля Саласкина |
6 | Sex | Женщина |
1 | Position | - |
2 | Interests | Postcrossing |
3 | Favorite quote | - |
About me
«Я летаю снаружи всех измерений.»
I live in Russia. I wear the fufaika, valenoks and the shapka-ushanka with the red star. I drink vodka right from the samovar, and my bear plays on the balalaika.
I live in Russia. I wear the fufaika, valenoks and the shapka-ushanka with the red star. I drink vodka right from the samovar, and my bear plays on the balalaika.
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