1 | Profile type |
Business card
2 | Account created on | 01.08.2012 |
3 | Country | Greece |
4 | Город | Athenai |
5 | Full Name | Angella Vardakastani |
6 | Sex | Женщина |
7 | Birthday | 16.06.1963 61 years |
8 | Личный сайт | www.arazzoapartments.com |
9 | www.facebook.com/Arazzo-Holiday-villa-207660455911221/timeline/?ref=hl |
1 | Position | Mananger |
2 | Interests | We are particularly Suitable for anyone wanting a quiet and cordial place to stay. To find out about our offers and availability, or to ask for any further information, please do not hesitate in contacting us. |
3 | Favorite quote | Great Location Service & Stay. |
About me
Few steps from the sea shore our property offers a truly unique holiday experience. A perfect destination for families, couples, newly-wed or a friendly companionship.
The breathtaking view of the hotel with the beautiful surroundings and the lush vegetation of the Island of Zakynthos makes it the ideal place for a relaxing and comfortable holiday.
The breathtaking view of the hotel with the beautiful surroundings and the lush vegetation of the Island of Zakynthos makes it the ideal place for a relaxing and comfortable holiday.
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