1 | Profile type |
2 | Account created on | 11.09.2015 |
3 | Country | Russia |
4 | Город | Saint Petersburg |
5 | Full Name | Марьяна Осинцева |
6 | Sex | Женщина |
7 | www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=670067839757965&set=a.670067753091307.1073741831.100002642643463&type=3&theater |
1 | Position | Personal Assistsnt CEO |
2 | Interests | Books, travels |
3 | Favorite quote | always find happiness even in the rainy day |
About me
I am very cheerful person , I love to travel. Do not eat meat , but really like fruit and wine ) Like any girl like flowers ) as well as a lot of a lot of traveling ! )
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