1 | Profile type |
2 | Account created on | 11.09.2015 |
3 | Country | Russia |
4 | Город | Moscow |
5 | Full Name | Юлия Рюмина |
6 | Sex | |
7 | Vkontakte | vk.com/julier88 |
1 | Position | Турист |
2 | Interests | - |
3 | Favorite quote | - |
About me
В силу своей профессии объездила всю Европу, пришло время поделить своим огромным опытом посещения разнообразных отелей и оценить сервисные услуг. Поверьте, мне есть с чем сравнить!
Due to my position I travelled all ove the Europe and now it's time to d=share my wide experience with you, guys and give review on hotels and services. Believe me I've seen a lot and can evaluate the situation fairly!
Due to my position I travelled all ove the Europe and now it's time to d=share my wide experience with you, guys and give review on hotels and services. Believe me I've seen a lot and can evaluate the situation fairly!
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