The hotels usually provide different kinds of small presents for guests who have any sort of memorable occasions during their stay - for example, some hotels gift souvenirs with hotel’s symbols to their regular guests, or provide a cake and champagne to guests on their birthdays. Newlyweds and honeymooners typically have their room decorated, as well as receive fresh fruit and a bottle of wine or champagne on arrival. Rules and regulations for providing compliments are different in every hotel and depend on the hotel’s concept, therefore questions related to compliments are fully in the competence of the hotel’s representatives. Please note that you should provide information about your upcoming memorable date on the stage of booking.
Compliments for birthday
Именинников поздравляют тортиком
Просим Вас сообщить о данном событии за пару дней.
Compliments for newlyweds
Молодоженам предоставят бутылку шаманского. ). Информация о медовом месяце должна быть прописана в бронировке и в ваучере на проживание. Желательно иметь при себе копию свидетельства о браке.
Special conditions for pro travel agents
Представителям турагентсва предоставят номер с красивым видом (по возможности) и приветственный напиток по приезду. Обязательным условием получения комплимента является предоставление визитки.