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Отправить заявку на подбор тураВозможно вам будет интересно:
Смотреть цены на туры Поставить отметку "Я еду в отель" Подписаться на новости и акции отеляПри планировании путешествия не забудьте воспользоваться помощью профи при подборе тура или напишите свои вопросы напрямую представителям отеля. По возвращении из отеля поделитесь своими впечатлениями в отзыве!
Отправить заявку на подбор тураВозможно вам будет интересно:
Смотреть цены на туры Поставить отметку "я еду"Отправка заявки на подбор тура профессиональным турагентам по индивидуальным критериям поездки сэкономит Ваше время для подготовки к путешествию.
Отправить заявку на подбор тураВозможно вам будет интересно:
Поставить отметку "я еду" Отправить заявку на комплимент Задать вопрос об отелеУже сейчас Вы можете начать следить за спецакциями отеля. Но также мы рекомендуем доверить подбор путешествия профессиональным турагентам. Они не только помогут найти и забронировать тур по выгодной цене, но и смогут подобрать лучшие предложения по Вашим критериям поездки.
Возможно вам будет интересно:
Подписаться на новости и акции отеля Смотреть цены на турыНажмите на сердечки для добавления отеля в избранное. Количество сердечек соответствует степени Вашего интереса к отелю. При планировании любого путешествия и экономии собственного времени рекомендуем воспользоваться помощью профессиональных турагентов или изучить цены на туры самостоятельно, а также, написать свои вопросы напрямую представителям отелей, а наши сервисы в этом помогут.
Возможно вам будет интересно:
Отправить заявку на подбор тура Подписаться на новости и акции отеля Задать вопрос в отельНе забудьте подписаться на новости и акции отеля, ведь нередко отели публикуют специальные предложения и формируют программу лояльности для своих подписчиков. При планировании путешествия рекомендуем изучить цены на туры,а также воспользоваться помощью профессиональных турагентов отправив им заявку на подбор тура по индивидуальным критериям подбора.
Возможно вам будет интересно:
Подписаться на новости и акции отеля Отправить заявку на тур с лучшей ценойНе забудьте поделиться своими впечатлениями и оценками на ТопХотелс, это поможет другим путешественниками при выборе отеля.
Возможно вам будет интересно:
Добавить оценки Добавить фото об отдыхе в отелеПланирование путешествия сложный и ответственный этап. Поиск подходящих отелей и лучших цен возможно провести самостоятельно воспользовавшись удобными сервисами или перепоручить поиск и бронирование предложений профессиональным турагентам. Успешного отдыха!
Отправить заявку на подбор тура с лучшей ценой Посмотреть цены на туры в отеляхПланирование путешествия сложный и ответственный этап. Поиск подходящих отелей и лучших цен возможно провести самостоятельно воспользовавшись удобными сервисами или доверить подбор путешествия профессиональным турагентам. Они не только помогут найти и забронировать тур по выгодной цене, но и смогут подобрать лучшие предложения по Вашим критериям поездки.
Отправить заявку на подбор тура с лучшей ценой Смотреть цены на турыQuestions and answers
All questions - 7
I'm sorry not to specify the previous time but the price 900 rupies is for one smartphone or laptop? If I need wi-fi for both should I pay 1800 rupies per 24 hour or not?
Dear Sirs,
Please, let me know how much is the Internet per hour? Are there any packages?
I am so sorry! It's my fault! I wrote to the wrong hotel! I needed PARK HYATT GOA RESORT&SPA 5*.
Once again, please accept my apologies. Coral Travel and Сaper travel are not to blame.
Hello! In this year: voucher # 2937475 CAPER TRAVEL
SHCHERBAKOVA LYUDMILA 25.03.1954 passport 70 № 1592176 from 17.10.2008 untill 17.10.2013. PARK HYATT GOA RESORT&SPA 5* SGL ( Park Room) BB from 09.02.2012 untill 28.02.2012 - Pegas touristik (SITA) - LAST YEAR (can't find voucher number) But she did't like the first room, only after 3 days she moved in to the room that she liked (front of the lagoon). At this year: from 06.02.2013 untill 26.02.2013 - CORAL TRAVEL, voucher 2937475. Our last dialogue: ""Dear Olga, thank you you for kind attention to Grand Hyatt Goa! As for your request we are sorry to inform you that Emil is no longer working for the hotel. But you still can ask any questions you have. We will do our best to help you. With best regards, administration of Grand Hyatt Goa" My tourist SHCHERBAKOVA LYUDMILA will be rest in your hotel from February 6 to February 26, 2013 She will stay in your hotel for the third time. Last year, she have a rest from February 13 2012 in a room on the second floor, in front of the lagoon, the rooms next to the 254, 262, 258. She does not remember the exact number, but she wanted to have a rest there. I really hope for your professionalism, that you can settle her in that room, not without reason, she comes back year after year just to your hotel, and it is our task to tourist remained satisfied and always came back. I hope very much for your help and now waiting for an answer! As she aged, she was not comfortable to sit at the front desk and wait for hours check-in. At the hotel she arrives early enough at 8 am. Maybe you'll have to settle it in advance? And last, please, could you give me some information, Do you have at this season russian speaking gestrelation? If there is, can you give me a contact? Thank you very much! Помощник Tophotels 30.01.2013 Dear Olga! Thank you you for kind attention to Grand Hyatt Goa. Unfortunatelly, we can not find reservation for name SHCHERBAKOVA LYUDMILA. Kindly ask you to send to us more information: the name of touroperator and number of voucher. We will try to do our best to provide your guest with room on the second floor, in front of Lagoon. Regarding your request about our staff - we do not have Russian speaking Guest relation. Have a good day! Reservation of Grand Hyatt Goa".
Помощник Tophotels 02.02.2013
Dear Olga, welcome to Grand Hyatt Goa! Unfortunatelly, we still do not have any reservation on 06/02 for SHCHERBAKOVA (or any guests with name LYUDMILA). Kindly ask you to send your request after 2 - 3 days. May be touroperator Coral hasn't provided us with full information about the guests on 06/02. Sincerely yours, Reservation of Grand Hyatt Goa."
SHCHERBAKOVA LYUDMILA 25.03.1954 passport 70 № 1592176 from 17.10.2008 untill 17.10.2013. PARK HYATT GOA RESORT&SPA 5*
SGL ( Park Room) BB from 09.02.2012 untill 28.02.2012 - Pegas touristik (SITA) - LAST YEAR (can't find voucher number) But she did't like the first room, only after 3 days she moved in to the room that she liked (front of the lagoon).
At this year: from 06.02.2013 untill 26.02.2013 - CORAL TRAVEL, voucher 2937475.
Our last dialogue:
""Dear Olga, thank you you for kind attention to Grand Hyatt Goa! As for your request we are sorry to inform you that Emil is no longer working for the hotel. But you still can ask any questions you have. We will do our best to help you. With best regards, administration of Grand Hyatt Goa" My tourist SHCHERBAKOVA LYUDMILA will be rest in your hotel from February 6 to February 26, 2013 She will stay in your hotel for the third time. Last year, she have a rest from February 13 2012 in a room on the second floor, in front of the lagoon, the rooms next to the 254, 262, 258. She does not remember the exact number, but she wanted to have a rest there. I really hope for your professionalism, that you can settle her in that room, not without reason, she comes back year after year just to your hotel, and it is our task to tourist remained satisfied and always came back. I hope very much for your help and now waiting for an answer! As she aged, she was not comfortable to sit at the front desk and wait for hours check-in. At the hotel she arrives early enough at 8 am. Maybe you'll have to settle it in advance? And last, please, could you give me some information, Do you have at this season russian speaking gestrelation? If there is, can you give me a contact? Thank you very much!
Помощник Tophotels 30.01.2013
Dear Olga! Thank you you for kind attention to Grand Hyatt Goa. Unfortunatelly, we can not find reservation for name SHCHERBAKOVA LYUDMILA. Kindly ask you to send to us more information: the name of touroperator and number of voucher. We will try to do our best to provide your guest with room on the second floor, in front of Lagoon. Regarding your request about our staff - we do not have Russian speaking Guest relation. Have a good day! Reservation of Grand Hyatt Goa".
"Dear Olga, thank you you for kind attention to Grand Hyatt Goa! As for your request we are sorry to inform you that Emil is no longer working for the hotel. But you still can ask any questions you have. We will do our best to help you. With best regards, administration of Grand Hyatt Goa"
My tourist SHCHERBAKOVA LYUDMILA will be rest in your hotel from February 6 to February 26, 2013 She will stay in your hotel for the third time. Last year, she have a rest from February 13 2012 in a room on the second floor, in front of the lagoon, the rooms next to the 254, 262, 258. She does not remember the exact number, but she wanted to have a rest there. I really hope for your professionalism, that you can settle her in that room, not without reason, she comes back year after year just to your hotel, and it is our task to tourist remained satisfied and always came back. I hope very much for your help and now waiting for an answer!
As she aged, she was not comfortable to sit at the front desk and wait for hours check-in. At the hotel she arrives early enough at 8 am. Maybe you'll have to settle it in advance? And last, please, could you give me some information, Do you have at this season russian speaking gestrelation? If there is, can you give me a contact? Thank you very much!
I'm sorry not to specify the previous time but the price 900 rupies is for one sm ...
Dear Sirs,
Please, let me know how much is the Internet per hour? Are there any packa ...
I am so sorry! It's my fault! I wrote to the wrong hotel! I needed PARK HYATT GOA RES ...
Hello! In this year: voucher # 2937475 CAPER TRAVEL
SHCHERBAKOVA LYUDMILA 25.03.1954 passport 70 № 1592176 from 17.10.2008 untill 17.10 ...
"Dear Olga, thank you you for kind attention to Grand Hyatt Goa! As for your request ...
Good Day!
Can you tell me please if you have a working guest relation Emil yet? If he ...
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