LIMIT BY CATEGORY SHOW FILTERS AVAILABLE ANSWERS AVAILABLE ANSWERS ANSWERS BY THE HOTELIER ANSWERS BY THE TOPHOTELS ASSISTANT TopHotels Users All questions - 1 СОРТИРОВКА Sort by: по дате вопросаnumber of answers Descending Ascending View in blocksin a table Михаил Kharkiv Турист 26.08.2021 20:19 Hello. Please tell me are your thermal pools and saunas are open in November? 26.08.2021 20:19 Hello. Please tell me are your thermal pools and saunas are open in November? 0 answers The hotel doesn't monitor questions
Михаил Kharkiv Турист 26.08.2021 20:19 Hello. Please tell me are your thermal pools and saunas are open in November? 26.08.2021 20:19 Hello. Please tell me are your thermal pools and saunas are open in November? 0 answers