31.07.15 |
Евгения Михайлова
Visited the hotel in July 2015 С семьей
31.07.15 |
Alsu Faizullina
Visited the hotel in July 2015 С семьей
27.07.15 |
Visited the hotel in July 2015 С семьей
I recommend
20.07.15 |
Visited the hotel in July 2015 Семьей с детьми
I recommend
15.07.15 |
Екатерина АбдулДжабар
Visited the hotel in July 2015 C маленькими детьми
I recommend
21.07.15 |
Светлана Кириенко
Visited the hotel in June 2015 С друзьями
I recommend
21.07.15 |
Татьяна Зауралова
Visited the hotel in June 2015 С друзьями
I recommend
08.07.15 |
Ольга Урусова
Visited the hotel in June 2015 C маленькими детьми
I recommend
06.07.15 |
Таисья Урсу
Visited the hotel in June 2015 В одиночку
I recommend
03.07.15 |
рафиля загуменова
Visited the hotel in June 2015 С семьей
I recommend
30.06.15 |
Наталья Либерзбах
Visited the hotel in June 2015 Парой
I recommend
28.06.15 |
Visited the hotel in May 2015 В одиночку
I recommend
27.06.15 |
Visited the hotel in May 2015 В одиночку
I recommend
01.06.15 |
Visited the hotel in May 2015 Семьей с детьми
I recommend
31.05.15 |
Visited the hotel in May 2015 Семьей с детьми
I recommend
30.05.15 |
Visited the hotel in May 2015 В одиночку
I recommend
28.05.15 |
Виктор Тарасов
Visited the hotel in May 2015 Парой
I recommend
22.05.15 |
Visited the hotel in May 2015 С друзьями
I recommend
21.05.15 |
Visited the hotel in May 2015 С семьей
I recommend