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Отдыхал С семьей в
августе 2024
23.08.24 - 06.09.24
- Рекомендую отель


5 размещение

5 сервис

5 питание

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good two weeks.

The Xperience Sea Breeze Resort offers an exceptional getaway for those seeking comfort and entertainment. The spacious and cozy rooms come with stunning sea views, ensuring a relaxing stay. The hotel’s grounds are beautifully maintained, featuring several pools and direct beach access. The staff is friendly and always ready to assist, making every guest feel welcome.

A special mention goes to the animator Medina. This wonderful young woman goes above and beyond to ensure your vacation is unforgettable. Her energetic and creative activities keep days filled with fun, and her genuine smile creates a positive atmosphere throughout your stay. Medina excels at organizing events for all ages and always provides a personalized touch for every guest.

Xperience Sea Breeze Resort is an ideal destination for a memorable vacation, with excellent amenities and dedicated staff like Medina making your stay even more enjoyable.

Плюсы отеля
animation team
Добавлено 06.09.24 13:01 (938 символов в тексте)
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