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Отдыхал С коллегами по работе в августе 2016
01.08.16 - 19.08.16
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  • 5 размещение
  • 5 сервис
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The Islander Beach Villa, Kahandamodara, Tangalle

The only private guest villa on the 1-st sea line in Kahandamodara Beach, Tangalle area, 250 metres away from the picturous lagoon. Private coconut garden on the sea side and blossoming internal garden with lots of space for relaxing, reading, having conversations and sun bathing.

Here you will find quite calm, and only birds in mornings will satisfy your ears with hundreds of songs.

Private beach is very advised for those who are in search for real relaxation in a very personal way, distant form the eyes of someone else...Only You and paradise nature...

Access is fully opened in each and every corner especialy for You. Feel yourself home and be like in home.

Only coconut plantations and precious Indian Ocean surrounds you. Isn't that what exactly You were dreaming for Your personal vocation?...

The local area, the villa and it's garden face directly on to the sea, with a view towards the ocean that will meet no land for 15000 Km, that being the South Pole. The beach is secluded and very quiet, it's unlikely you will meet another soul, if it's privacy you want this is the place to come. The lagoon is 250 meters to walk along the beach, with other attractions like Kalamatiya Bird Sanctuary, Bata Atha Botanical Gardens, Kahandawa Purana Rajamaha Viharaya, Buddhist shrine and Mulkirigala Rock Temple. There are other attractions to satisfy those who can't sit still - like turtle watching in Rekawa or travel to Ambalantota - the Artifacts town and Madunagala Hot Springs, as well as Ussangoda National Park. If there is something you would like please ask, we will be delighted to assist you.

We have a tuk-tuk for You and can arrange Your shopping and travels in surroundings - Tangalle, Ambalantota, Hambantota, Ranna and Kahandamodara - Kalametiya areas itself.

We can drop and pick up You from the airport with a car or a van on Your own choice at any desired time.

Excursions all over the island is not a problem for us. Give us Your duty and we do all the best for You.

Looking for nice bird or turtles watching sight? Or You prefer a walk across the picturous lagoon? You dream of much sunrays and golden sands? Piligrimage to the holy places? Or, may be, safari? Tea tour? Elsewhat?..

No limits for us. Just feel free to say!

We take all arangement for You. Simply share your wish. We are really happy to show you the real soul and heart of Sri Lanka.

Всего медиа - 59 Фотографий - 59 Видео - 0
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Оценка сервисов отеля автором

5.0 Инфраструктура отеля
  • 5.0 Безопасность в отеле
  • 5.0 Благоустройство территории
  • Рестораны и бары
  • 5.0 Удобная парковка
4.5 Качество сервисов и обслуживания
  • Анимация
  • 5.0 Вежливый и внимательный персонал
  • Работа ресепшен
  • 4.0 Скорость и качество интернет соединения(WiFi)
4.8 Номера
  • 4.0 Звукоизоляция в номере
  • 5.0 Качество мебели, сантехники
  • 5.0 Кондиционирование номеров
  • 5.0 Уборка номеров
5.0 Подходит для отдыха
  • 5.0 Деловая поездка
  • 5.0 Если нужно только переночевать
  • 5.0 Парой
  • 5.0 С друзьями
  • 5.0 Семейный с детьми
  • 5.0 Спокойный
  • Тусовочный
Сервисы для детей
  • Детская анимация
  • Инфраструктура для детей
  • Питание для детей
5.0 Удобство расположения
  • Где развлечься - ночные клубы, кино, т.д.
  • Кафе, рестораны, магазины
  • 5.0 По отношению к достопримечательностям
  • luxury sandy kahandamodara beach in tangalle area
Добавлено: 19.08.2016 21:47
Статус отзыва: Удаленный отзыв - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 2 399 символов в тексте
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Sergius Pedde
Проверенный аккаунт
Регистрация: 28.10.2013
  • Страны, города: 1 / 1
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  • Отзывы: 2
  • Фото, видео: 73
  • Комментариев: 7
  • Читательский охват: 3 908