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Отзыв об отеле Palm Royale Soma Bay (отель был переименован 17.01.22)
Отдыхал Парой в августе 2014
23.08.14 - 02.09.14
- Рекомендую отель
  • 5 размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 5- питание
Внимание: Локальный IP
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Amazing vacation

Couple (without kids)

Visit dates: 23/09/14 - 02/09/14 (10 days)

We really enjoyed our stay at Palm Royal Soma Bay hotel.

1. The beach is great - clean, big, no need to wake up early to find a place, the water is clean, no big waves or sea grass. Plenty of water activities present.

2. The food is tasty and delicious, the variety was fine, 24/7 beautiful lobby bar with live music in the evenings.

3. The room was clean and everything was working properly except for a small issue with the toilet(water kept endlessly flushing), which was quickly fixed by hotel stuff (see p. 4.)

4. The staff is really friendly, helpful and eager to immediately solve any issues that might arise. We would especially like to thank Elena Sakhnevych for her professionalism and client-oriented approach. She made our stay flawless and comfortable.

Overall I would highly recommend Palm Royal Soma Beach as a perfect destination for a good beach experience. 


Добавлено: 02.09.2014 16:19 с IP адреса Египта
Статус отзыва: Внимание: Локальный IP - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 966 символов в тексте
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