Всего записей - 3
5.0 - размещение 5.0 - питание 5.0 - сервис
It's the most unusual place on earth where I have been before, it feels like you are in virtual reality glasses or in a sweet dream! The hotel is cozy, the staff is friendly, the food is delicious! We went on excursions, snorkeled and looked for Manta. The weather was good, since we went during the season, it rained once, very unusual...5.0 - размещение 5.0 - питание 5.0 - сервис
It's the most unusual place on earth where I have been before, it feels like you are in virtual reality glasses or in a sweet dream! The hotel is cozy, the staff is friendly, the food is delicious! We went on excursions, snorkeled and looked for Manta. The weather was good, since we went during the season, it rained once, very unusual rain in...