Вопросы об отеле
Всего вопросов - 3
Hi, my name is Roman. I want to relax at your hotel from August 11 to August 29. I am + wife + daughter of 16 years + son of 6 years. do you have free seats and how much money? I will pay for the accommodation upon arrival. idc2014@ya.ru my mail. please indicate when answering what is the name of your hotel. I want to choose by location and services. I liked your hotel
We need to make reservation in your hotel. But we have to ask you - do you have a "connect" rooms?
Thank you in advance

Hi, my name is Roman. I want to relax at your hotel from August 11 to August 29. I am ...

We need to make reservation in your hotel. But we have to ask ...

абсолютно нет никакой информации об отеле.