ОГРАНИЧИТЬ ВЫВОД ДАННЫХ ПО ПАРАМЕТРАМ ПОКАЗАТЬ ФИЛЬТР НАЛИЧИЕ ОТВЕТОВ НАЛИЧИЕ ОТВЕТОВ Ответы от отеля Помощника TOPHOTELS Пользователей Всего вопросов - 2 СОРТИРОВКА Сортировать по дате вопросаколичеству ответов По убыванию возрастанию вывод блокамитаблицей Людмила Москва Турист 21.11.2024 13:58 We booked a hotel through a travel company from 13.12. to 20.12. Is it possible to leave a room on the 2nd floor with a balcony and 1 large bed for us? Людмила Москва Турист 21.11.2024 13:55 Good day! Please tell me if there is a deposit provided that we will not use any additional services of the hotel? 21.11.2024 13:58 We booked a hotel through a travel company from 13.12. to 20.12. Is it possible to le ... 0 ответов 21.11.2024 13:55 Good day! Please tell me if there is a deposit provided that we will not use any addi ... 0 ответов
Людмила Москва Турист 21.11.2024 13:58 We booked a hotel through a travel company from 13.12. to 20.12. Is it possible to leave a room on the 2nd floor with a balcony and 1 large bed for us? Людмила Москва Турист 21.11.2024 13:55 Good day! Please tell me if there is a deposit provided that we will not use any additional services of the hotel? 21.11.2024 13:58 We booked a hotel through a travel company from 13.12. to 20.12. Is it possible to le ... 0 ответов 21.11.2024 13:55 Good day! Please tell me if there is a deposit provided that we will not use any addi ... 0 ответов