за последние 30 дней
Об отеле Sea Gull
I had a rest in Sea Gull hotel. The hotel changed for the worse that was earlier. On a reception met me as guest who the first time though in hotel the system of encouragement of the tourists who have arrived repeatedly on what on a reception me didn't inform is provided stopped by at hotel when I in two hours after settling in number about it learned and I told the secretary, to me answered: "The blue bracelet can't be given out. " I asked: "Why?" - the secretary simply shrugged shoulders. To tourists who arrived repeatedly to hotel, 1 free dinner at restaurant according to the fish menu is provided. To register in this dinner, I approached on a hotel reception, it appeared that the reception also doesn't own this information, and sent me to receive information independently. I went between bar, restaurant and a reception with examinations concerning record in the afternoon, anybody so and didn't tell anything to me, anybody didn't own information. To me bothered and I decided to refuse restaurant visit. For the third day on arrival in number at me the whole day yellow water with a smell flew. I also told on a reception. Only in the evening, me told that it was cleaned by pipes. On my question: "Why didn't inform? " - receptionist Katya (red long hair), answered me with absolutely boorish voice: "Therefore". To it to secretary Katya, there are a lot of claims from guests of hotel. The employee isn't able to behave at all. Is rude, is rude to guests, doesn't try to penetrate into a problem. But it yet end of my full negative rest. For the 6th day I come from a beach in an anticipation to take a shower. I soap the head shampoo, shower gel, and suddenly... to me in number disconnect water. Fuck-up! Break number 2 of the Turk, and I forgive in what mother gave rise, well and so, with a soap cap on the head, having slipped quickly on a bathing towel I open a door, and to me and speak: "A pipe broke through." Here to my patience, in general, the end came. I went on a reception to report about it, I asked, why such attitude towards tourists. I asked to call to me Dogana Dogu, on what secretary Katya (red, long hair, I report so since on a reception 2 Katyas), in general вытарищила work for me eyes and simply DISGUSTING voice, with a grimace on a face, to me I answered: "It isn't present! When will be, we don't know! ", also turned away to me a back. HORROR! I told: "I so won't leave it! " Secretaries couldn't solve a problem with number replacement. In the evening, I found Dogana and reported it that number very bad. To me number replaced.
In hotel very much, very weak animation. Evening numbers boring, guests sit on little tables and yawn, warming itself alcohol. Girls - animators - not professionals. For the period of a rain (the rain went two times) any entertainment program it isn't provided. All tourists I occupy myself, or sit in numbers, or spend time in shops.
Discos transferred to stuffy and very small cellar. Earlier they were on a pier and wishing to light was much. Now, in a disco dance only 5 - 7 people.
My general impression about hotel: very bad. Now it is possible to go to hotel with very small children and to people of a retirement age.
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