за последние 30 дней
Great hotel
The hotel is really great. The territory is huge, there is a place to walk and something to see. Beaches for every taste:and the smooth sandy entrance, and the lagoon (down the stairs), and the reefs (where we swam all the time).There is an unreal beauty there. Shallow water, transparent, emerald, there are corals, take a mask and coral slippers. I've probably studied all the corals there. Diving is not over-diving. Sea urchins, asterisks, various beautiful unusual fish, 2 times I saw a huge stingray. In general, there are no complaints about the beach, everything is perfect here. There were always sun loungers, even taking into account the huge number of people in the hotel.
The territory is clean, everything is cleaned, there is no dirt. Even the locals (of whom there are many in the hotel, but they did not bother us in any way, they hang out at the pool, the sea is on their side) behave civilly. Everyone is polite and courteous, smiling. Everything is mutual here -you are polite, they are polite to you in return.
Check-in was right away ($10 in the passport works wonders), and the room was given a good one. As they say, the rooms are all a bit outdated, but everything is clean and working. They cleaned it every day, even made swans for us. The rooms in Palma are quieter (if you don't take them by the pool), in el Palacio they are noisier, especially near the stage.
There are many pools and a water park on site, if anyone is interested. I don't understand the meaning of a pool with such a gorgeous sea. By the way, it is also warmer, in the evening it was generally hotter sometimes.
The animation is good, there are various concerts and discos, but we only went to children's dances)) Also, do not forget to sign up for ala carte restaurants, you can go to 2 for free. The recording machine is in El Palacio at the main reception. Recording in three days at 10 pm. We were in Italian and fish, Italian is great, fish is a little worse, but it will do for a change.
The staff is helpful. Drinks are not all included, sometimes something was paid. But I only drank coffee and non-alcoholic cocktails. There was some kind of whiskey, too, with Coke. In general, everything is fine in this regard. If you have a preference for drinks, you can buy in duty free in advance and not worry
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