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Отзыв об отеле Crystal Palace Luxury Resort & Spa (отель был переименован 01.12.24)
Vacation as a With friends in July 2024
23.07.24 - 02.08.24
- Abstained
  • 4 accommodation
  • 1 service
  • 4 food
Doesn't affect the hotel's rating
Отзыв написан из отеля
23 - 02 August

Crystal Palace Luxury Resort & Spa


I was on the vacation in this hotel from 23 of July to 2 of August. I was there with my friend (we are 18) and it was quite funny, because we were afraid that we are going to the family hotel. During the first couple of days it was very good, a lot of activities for both children and adults. Food is very good there, we enjoyed it very much. But on the fourth day of our vacation we went on the beach with my friend and our things were stolen (expensive wrist watch, air pods and photo machine). It is written that hotel has a private beach - DO NOT BELIEVE IT! It is an open beach and security don’t look after suspicious people at all. We went to the hotel manager and the only solution was to call the police, we waited for about 2 hours, but at the end we were told that they won’t come, because it is not a fight, murder and so on. Actually, I am still not sure about it, maybe we were just deceived and the police were not called at all. They offer us nothing but their apologies. Moreover, we were told that this is not the first time that things were stolen from the hotel. I strongly recommend that you think several times before checking into this hotel, because they promise a lot (it is a five-star hotel after all), but in fact they steal things!

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Added: 01.08.2024 14:33
Статус отзыва: Complaint - Doesn't affect the hotel's rating 1 272 characters in the review
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