за последние 30 дней
классный отель
Очень хороший отель! В этом отеле все так шикарно, мы очень хорошо там отдохнули после тяжелого перелета в Дубаи из Крыма.
{удалено модератором: несанкционированная реклама} Встретил нас русскоговорящий администратор Ирина; очень вежливая и дружелюбная женщина. Проводила до номера и угостили нас бесплатными напитками. В номере было чисто, новая постель, русские каналы тв. Соседи нам попались веселые, подружились и сразу пошли в их ресторан. Алкоголь не употребляли, так как хотели потом испытать бассейн. Ух, приезжайте сюда не пожалеете. На следующий день Амир повез нас по своей потрясающей тур программе
Thank you !
{{? it.opinion.useful }} Ваша отметка успешно сохранена. {{?? true }} Ваша отметка успешно удалена. {{?}}
Thank you !
{{? it.opinion.thanks }} Ваша отметка успешно сохранена. {{?? true }} Ваша отметка успешно удалена. {{?}}
Thank you very much for sharing this great review of your recent stay at Barcel Residences. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your stay and certainly agree that our dedicated staff plays a key role to our guests' overall experience. The entire team works very hard to ensure that we deliver a high standard of service and a warm, memorable experience.
Thank you for pointing out the beauty and comfort of our newly refurbished accommodations designed to make our guests' stay as comfortable as possible with design furniture and the latest technology, being fully aware that an attractive accommodation plays a key role to our guests' overall holiday experience, we are therefore very pleased to read that you were satisfied with yours.
Thank you for your very nice compliments for Elmira, she does work very hard every day to make sure our guests feel well attended to at all times and definitely she is an asset to our property. We will certainly share your kind words of appreciation with her and we are certain she will be pleased to know her efforts have been appreciated.
We are thrilled you enjoyed your recent stay with us. Thank you for making us your choice hotel when visiting the area. We look forward to welcoming you back again very soon.
Best regards,
Ilavarasi Raja
Rooms Operations Manager
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