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1 comment
Vacation as a With family in September 2018
01.09.18 - 30.09.18
- Recommend this hotel
  • 5- accommodation
  • 5- service
  • 5- food
Doesn't affect the hotel's rating

И снова любимый Азур!


Review written 5 days ago

And again, Azur!

At the end of August, we had an unscheduled vacation, and without any hesitation we flew to our favorite Azur! They immediately placed us, like good friends, in number 1312, everything was clean and in working order. Meals: in previous reviews they wrote about the shortcomings, let me disagree, the assortment is not great, but the quality of the dishes is excellent, the most delicious fish, beef, chicken, liver, lots of salads, sweets ...... solid 5! The undoubted merit of the chef Mohamed El Baz, always with a constant smile and on the spot! Bars: all drinks are bottled, coffee of all kinds is wonderful, I can not help but note Mo Mohamed Gamal, flawless work! Sea: already noted in the previous review the presence of a luxurious lagoon, this time was fascinated even more, began snoring before sunrise and found a lot of unnoticed for the first time; , rhinos, puffers, turtles and handsome Napoleon kilograms at 50! On the reef, when there was no red flag, the entire Red Sea contingent, including the second huge Napoleon and the mass of turtles, all video materials will be posted soon in your YouTube on your channel. In general, notice active leisure, here it is necessary to note the work of the deputy manager Ayman Morei, that’s really the man in his place, an excellent organizer and controller! At the reception the best is Ahmed Badry, always smiling and helping in everything! I ask the general manager to pay attention to the work of Mohamed Ahva, a person who has independently learned several languages (French, Italian, German, and even a little Russian) deserves sincere respect and career growth !!!! Summary: Thank you for your rest and wish the hotel prosperity, will definitely come back with friends.

  • замечательная лагуна
  • удаленность от аэропорта
Added: 02.10.2018 08:44
Статус отзыва: Mini-reviews - Doesn't affect the hotel's rating 1 778 characters in the review
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