за последние 30 дней
The best place to stay in Sharm El Sheikh
Thanks a lot for all the staff in Regency Plaza Aqua Park! All our family stayed in that wonderful hotel during May holidays.
This is a 5 star hotel with good restaurants – especially the Italian (thanks to Mr. Mohammed) and Oriental restaurant. The hotel has very good service overall. The rooms are spacious and modern and the guy who cleaned our room made a very nice surprise to us with decorative objects on the bed with towels and flowers The restaurant provided different choice of dishes, food at the restaurant was delicious (many thanks to Mr. Nasser!) Overall staff were friendly and helpful and the people are nothing short of amazing us with their hospitality and doing their best to enjoy people stay The different pools are quit and very nice with lovely aqua park and sea is absolutely clean and warm and full of different very colourful fish and corals. This is the best place if you go on excursion and do snorkeling and diving. We rented a boat at the diving centre and had a very nice trip to the islands in front of the hotel.
We also had very good cocktails and excellent meal everyday.
They have programs every day and night the most amazing funny show we have ever seen.
We loved the swimming pool party and the fire show and we have never seen such picturesque and clean place like in this hotel and the amazing hospitality of all the staff!
Aliona Bachinskaya
Thank you !
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Thank you !
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Комментарии к отзыву (8)

так нам понравилось отдыхать в этом отеле,а не только русскоговорящие, тем более, что очень многие люди знают английский язык. А мы с семьей собираемся опять туда поехать в августе и на Новый Год.
Алёна Бачинская

потому что мы с утра уплывали на эксурсию и я завтра могу выставить эти фотки. Где бы я не бывала, более красивого места я не видела. По поводу экскурсий - нужно договариваться не с гидом, у них все в 3 раза дороже, а с ребятами из дайвинг клуба, они везут в такие красивые места, о которых мы даже не слышали