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Отзыв об отеле Medblue Gennadi Hotel (отель был переименован 01.09.15)
Vacation as a With family in August 2015
01.08.15 - 11.08.15
- Do not recommend the hotel
  • 3 accommodation
  • 2 service
  • 3 food
Correct review
Affects the hotel's rating

Hotel is always overbooked.


A couple of days ago we have arrived from MEDBLUE GENNADI hotel (4*).

But hotel level is much lower because of following reason: extremely bad direction of hotel. Chief of the hotel is a woman in years. To ours opinion, she is not appropriate for her appointment. To any asked question and request to help with the solution of the problem she starts screaming, brawling and hides in the staff room. Maybe because of her advanced age she is incapable to do her job properly. We suppose, that situation changes if the younger manager will replace this woman.

Hotel is always overbooked. Tourists are being sent to other places or live by four people in two person rooms. Many times we have seen this old woman (manager) shouting at tourists who couldn't get rooms which they have paid for! She screams like a fishwife! Her behavior shocks everybody. She yells that it is all the owner's of the hotel fault and she is powerless.

It is always hot in the restaurant. Temperature is higher than 30 degrees. There are no fans and the only one air-conditioner on the floor isn't effective. There is no salt on the tables. The only place where you can find it - is center table. Salt is in the saucer! With one tea spoon inside!

They use rank oil for deep-fat. It is impossible to it this food. There are not any water in bottles. There are not any phones in the rooms. So there is no room to room communication.

In MEDBLUE GENNADI you won't find single beds. Only folding beds which are used for lodging four people in one room and double beds. Besides, there is no staff in the reception at night!

The only advantage of this hotel is nearness to the marvelous sea with the crystal clear water and nice pebble beach.

To sum up, MEDBLUE GENNADI hotel could have been much more attractive, if the manager had worked properly, and was polite with the visitors! We guess, if the new manager would replace this woman in years, many problems will be solved.

Added: 11.08.2015 14:50
Статус отзыва: Correct review - Affects the hotel's rating 1 955 characters in the review
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