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15 +0 Прирост читательского охвата
за последние 30 дней
Vacation as a in September 2005
01.09.05 - 15.09.05
- Abstained
  • 2 accommodation
  • 2 service
  • 1 food
Correct review
Affects the hotel's rating

HELLO!!!!!!!! I am from Bulgaria and I am twelve years old...



I am from Bulgaria and I am twelve years old. I don`t know russian very good so I am writing in English.

Let`s start my story: we start our journey from Sofia. Set of at 06:00 was not a bad plan so we (my family) with our friends (3 families with 3 kids and one baby) were ready that morning.

We were at the hotel at about 13:30. At the reception we received the keys for the rooms we were going to stay.The numbers-715, 725 and the other rooms were 600 and something, no matter in the number.

First day:WOW-the noise from the road and the smell of toilet were totally disgusting and horrible, so we could open the windows only for a while.

Second day: I tried to jump in the small swimming pool but I nearly broke my leg because it was just 1meter deep. The lunch and the dinner were not bad at all.

Third day: We "discovered" Siviri-a small village with beatiful beach, but with a lot of small stones. The sea is like lake-with no waves. BUT there are a lot of bees whitch can "bite" and bring horrible pain to any human.

If you don`t have a car you can rent one.

But let`s talk about the hotel-the garden is beautiful,the swimming pools are really cold, the table tennis acessoaries are hidden for almost everyone(at the reception a woman tells you that everything is in the small swimming pool,BUT you must not beleive her,because I with my friends searched everywhere inside the "building"

The rooms are good looking but for 4* it could be better I think.

The evenings: are disgusting-stupid germans play their stupid dances and the idiots staying in front of the scene are laughing at nothing.

There is nothig russian or bulgarian so don`t beleive if your operator tells you something like that.

the small playgroung is not enough for all the children because even teens go there when they are bored of the "show"

PS: I like the logo ** Aristoteles ** because the hotel takes only two stars if it was me who`s giving them

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Added: 12.09.2005 23:41
Статус отзыва: Correct review - Affects the hotel's rating 1 971 characters in the review
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