Санатории и пансионаты Romania — 216
Iubesc Marea Pensiunea 3*
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Casa Frieda Pension 3*
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Casa Elisabeta Pensiunea 3*
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EliAs Pensiunea 3*
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Dia Land Pensiunea 4*
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Vila Dana Pensiunea 3*
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Zbor I Pensiunea
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Tabu Pensiunea 2*
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Phonix Pension 3*
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Tv Condor Pension 5*
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Santa Fe Pension 4*
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Ambiance Pension 3*
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Bellagio Pensiunea 4*
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Serena Pensiunea 5*
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Mioval Pensiunea 2*
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Piccola Italia Pensiune 2*
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Casa Gia Pensiunea 4*
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Paris Pension 3*
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Casa Boca Pensiunea 3*
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Schwartz Pension 3*
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Verona Centru Pension 3*
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La Conac In Bucovina 4*
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Doua Rauri Bran Pensiunea 3*
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Casa Gobbel Pensiunea
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Arena Pension 4*
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