Санатории и пансионаты Spain — 70
Pension Miami 2*
- 5,00 Accommodation
- 5,00 Service
Hostal Mari 2*
- 5,00 Accommodation
- 4,00 Food
- 5,00 Service
San Pancracio Pension
- 5,00 Accommodation
- 4,00 Service
Lourdes Pension 3*
- 4,00 Accommodation
- 2,00 Food
- 4,50 Service
Studios Pelayo Guest House 2*
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Fonda Lluna
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Segre Pension 2*
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Francia Pension 1*
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Edorta Pension
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Las Setas Pension
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Torrent Pensio
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M F Pension
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Los Arcos Pension
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Agustina Pension
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El Portillo Pension
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Cibeles Pension
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Lucano Pension 1*
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Aries Pension 1*
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La Llagosta Hostal 2*
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Raco Del Mar 1*
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La Mezquita Pension Restaurante 1*
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Playa De Palma Hostal 1*
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Margarita Pension 2*
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Real Hostal 2*
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