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Комментарии к отзыву (4)

I would like to mention that at NO TIME had you mentioned to our Duty manager that you had anything missing. If a report was made we would gladly call the police in order to investigate. Also our staff have been employed with us for many many years especially the Chambermaids and never have we had anything missing from the rooms. Respectively all our chambermaid speak RUSSIAN and at no time had you mentioned anything to them either.
However you had decided upon returning to Russia to FIRST write a email to us here at the HOTEL accusing us that you had lost something in your room and then unless we respond that you will place a bad review well we are responding AT NO TIME had you lost anything in our Hotel and at NO time had you made any complains whatsoever to us.
Furthermore in our brochure and description about our Hotel we state of course that we are not a beach Hotel and that we are about 2.5 kilometres from the beach and this reflects on the price that we always promote our Hotel.
Also you had been informed by your representative that there is a bust stop 60 meters from the entrance of our Hotel and this will take you to the beach at a very very low rate of Euros 1.50 of all day BUS PASS for Euros 5.00 only.
Regarding our food every night we have different choice Menu and also a choice of Fruit and 4 cakes.
We have BBQ night, Cyprus Traditional buffet night, and Carvery night and also we offer choice to Vegetarians and children.
We are praised for our VALUE FOR MONEY that we offer as a very good Budget Hotel offering exception value for money, giving the opportunity to many Holiday makers to have a Holiday with a very good price many of our guest are returning customers and return 2-3 times a year.

Кроме того, в нашей брошюре с описанием об отеле мы оповещаем конечно, что мы не пляжный отель и что мы находимся около 2,5 км от пляжа, что естественным образом отражается на цене турпакета в наш отель. Также, вы были проинформированы вашим гидом, что автобусная остановка находится в 60 метрах от входа в наш отель. Проездной билет на автобус до пляжа стоит 1,50 евро, а на весь день проездной билет на автобус всего 5,00 евро.
Что касается питания, каждый вечер наш ресторан предлагает разнообразное менюв, выбор фруктов и 4 вида десерта. Так же, для гостей отеля мы проводим Вечер-Барбекю, Вечер Мясных блюд (Carvery night), Кипрскую Традиционную Ночь(шведский стол) и всегда есть выбор блюд для вегетарианцев и детей.
Выбирая наш отель для своего отдыха -вы выбираете соотношение цены и качества. По многочисленным похвальным отзывам наших гостей, наш отель рекомендуется, как очень хорошая недорогая гостиница, дающая возможность многим клиентам возвращаться и отдыхать 2 - 3 раза в год.