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Отзыв об отеле Mersoy Exclusive Aqua Resort (отель был переименован 01.03.21)
Отдыхал Семьей с детьми в июле 2013
23.07.13 - 06.08.13
- Рекомендую отель
  • 4 размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 5- питание
Корректный отзыв
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I stayed with my daughter 23 July-06 August. Arrived at the...

I stayed with my daughter 23 July-06 August. Arrived at the hotel at 12 hours a day and already in 13-30 received the keys to the rooms. Settled us in a box With a number 213. Room small but comfortable and clean. Impressed by the hotel territory is a lot of greenery,palm trees and, of course, the surrounding mountains.

A food in hotel is excellent, everything is always fresh and in sufficient quantities. Especially I want to note the work of the chef bar Аrmagan Аldemir is the most polite, friendly, always ready to help an employee of the restaurant service. In short, specialist of high qualification.

Liked the animation team Mustafa, Charlie and Окмена. Interesting programs every evening for adults and children.

I advise you to choose this hotel.

Всего медиа - 4 Фотографий - 4 Видео - 0
Добавлено: 08.08.2013 13:26
Статус отзыва: Корректный отзыв - Влияет на рейтинг отеля 764 символов в тексте

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