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Отзыв об отеле MS Palace (отель был переименован 01.10.22)
Отдыхал С семьей в июне 2013
01.06.13 - 15.06.13
- Рекомендую отель
  • 4 размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 4 питание
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my big respect to all personnel

This message is especially for the personnel of the Hotel Millennium Palace. My biggest respect to Misha, Ayaz and Mehmet for their understanding and help. Thanks for Tishen for his good service and my thanks to a young waiter Ardan who speaks English really well. Besides, my best rgds to Ali and all others. We have become real friends and it was really nice to communicate with all of you. My big respect and hi to the director of the hotel for his attention. And of course my biggest HI and respect to animators Elchin and Umit. Guys you are really super! Yes, may be there were some problems and some things which were not so successful, but your skills level and positive energy were really high. About other things I have written in my previous comment on top hotels site. I was happy to acquaint with all of you and communicate.

My best rgds to all of you. If possible write me a message to my e-mails andrewtroeglazov@yahoo.com, andrewtroeglazov@mail.com.

All the best to you. Andrey. June 3-June 16,2013

Добавлено: 22.06.2013 13:16
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