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Отзыв об отеле Arikan Inn Hotel (отель был переименован 01.01.24)
Отдыхал С друзьями в июле 2012
01.07.12 - 15.07.12
- Не рекомендую отель
  • 1 размещение
  • 1 сервис
  • 1 питание
Не влияет на рейтинг отеля

Arikan воров

I m sorry I don't speak Russian, but I want that all people to know what happened to us in Arikan htl.

''It was my 5th time in Turkey and the last one thanks to Arikan hotel. Hotel was very dirty. When we got to the room, it was so dirty that we must clean it ourselves. Staff speaks no English at all! Food was tasteless and always the same. But, it was nothing compared to what happened to us there;

WE WERE ROBBED FROM THE HOTELS SAFE!!! We put our money and passport in hotels safe (which was close to the reception), paid for 11 nights and on our 7th night when we opened the safe to take some money, it was gone. They didn’t take our passports but all our money was gone! We called the police and they investigate, took the fingertips and we spent the rest of night in the police, giving statement. Since no one speaks English in the hotel, they didn’t talk to us at all, that night and tomorrow we spoke with assistant to manager, and he wasn’t helpful at all, all he repeated was 'We can’t do anything, let police do this''. He didn’t even want to give us back the money that we paid for renting a safe for 11nights! We are sure that guys who are working there took the money, since one of them, called Kan, who worked every night, suddenly find alibi that he was in the hospital in Antalya that night, but we now he didn’t, ‘cos every night he was at the reception. Since all that happened 3 days before we leaved, police didn’t do anything and we leaved Arikan and Turkey with empty pockets and what should have been our holiday turned into a nightmare, thanks to people who work in Arikan hotel.

Don’t book this hotel ever!''

Добавлено: 16.08.2012 12:54
Статус отзыва: Претензия - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 1 641 символов в тексте

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