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215 +0 Прирост читательского охвата
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Читательский охват
1 комментарий
Отдыхал Парой в сентябре 2011
04.09.11 - 18.09.11
- Не рекомендую отель
  • 3 размещение
  • 4 сервис
  • 5 питание
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Hello. I AM NOT SATISFIED. Been in this hotel from...

Hello. I AM NOT SATISFIED. Been in this hotel from 11.09.2011 - 18.09.2011. Well i have to tell alot about this hotel! I been in many countryes and in Turkey before, so i good know what can be and if its good or no. The Territory of hotel not big, around you can see turkish people in houses. Who there told before that this hotel in centrum of town??? Thats NOT true!!! You have to take some bus but if no - then good luck with walk to centrum, takes 30 - 35 min where will be shops and bars...Hotel far from the sea. Its takes 10-20 min, seems that not long time to walk but even sporty people get tired of this in so hot weather.On the sea you have to be careful because bottom in the sea very very slippery and have a holes!

The people who said before that in this hotel everything is so good - just a silly people who didnt see much in life. Because rooms was old and not big. Seems that rooms NOT HAVE A DOOR AT ALL! You can hear everything and everyone!!! Very tiring! The people who think that will eat there for 24 hours do mistake because breakfast, lunch and dinner have a special not long time.

This hotel made of 2 buildings: in one of them reustarant where all people going to eat but every of this buildings have own pool.

ANIMATION ARE BAD!!! They have 0 of humor. The concerts they make just boring and short.

But for sure in this hotel not was bad everything. Good food ( meat, cakes, fish, fruits every day) and good waiters who fast clean after people, talk and smile. Forgot to tell about one more good thing: rooms cleaning every day, so no problems with that.

*удалено модератором, содержит оскорбления пользователей*

In the end you will deside go or no but i wouldnt recommend the hotel Blue Star, 4* stars for Blue Star i think little bit much. bye

Всего медиа - 2 Фотографий - 2 Видео - 0
Добавлено: 22.09.2011 16:10
Статус отзыва: Претензия - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 1 788 символов в тексте

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