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Отдыхала В одиночку в июле 2024
24.07.24 - 04.08.24
- Не рекомендую отель
  • 2 размещение
  • 2 сервис
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Review on my stay at villa Jokovic

The room turned out to be pretty old and shabby, but at first I thought OK, I'll get over it. The first night I was bitten by mosquitoes, so my legs were swollen. The hostess and the cleaner stubbornly pretended that they did not understand either Russian or English when I had to ask for toilet paper — it was a problem. They cleaned in 10 days only 1 time because I persistently asked.

The door handle fell off on the third day of my stay. What the hostess accused me of in a boorish tone ((.

The Internet (wi-fi) has not been working for the last 3 days. I asked them to solve the problem — of course they can't help in any way. I had to search for wi-fi in cafe for the last 3 days.

Добавлено: 18.08.2024 19:46
Статус отзыва: Мини отзыв - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 708 символов в тексте
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Irina Strelts
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