Регистрация: 19.07.23
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Отдыхала С семьей в
июле 2023
15.07.23 - 21.07.23
- Рекомендую отель


5 размещение

3 сервис

5- питание

Мини отзыв - не влияет на рейтинг

I recommend it, but…

We had a great time in the hotel before 19.07.23 evening, when we met Roshan ( in reception, who was too disrespectful with the clients (no greetings for the client, he spoke with me through the youngest colleague, he expressed his aversion during his speech). I want to mention that we received good service:

* in welcome part by receptionist Ainur and bill boy from Sri Lanka (unfortunately I do not remember his name);

* from cleaning staff;

*by barista, who prepared the most tasty ice latte;

*by security team.

Furthermore, I want to say that Tello (young specialist) was the most professional one (from two others) at that unpleasant evening.

I want to advise to the management of the hotel to revise “Reception policy” and maybe to recruit reception staff a bit more carefully, as they shall represent it in the best possible way.

I hope me and my family will never meet unprofessional hospitality specialist in our future vacation🙏🙏🙏

Минусы отеля
Roshan from the reception
Добавлено 19.07.23 20:43 (989 символов в тексте)
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