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Отдыхал С семьей в июле 2023
06.07.23 - 10.07.23
- Рекомендую отель
  • 5 размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 5 питание
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Great time

I really want to thank the hotel for the great service and time that me and my family had here. if I really want to thank the staff one by one specially mr.hossam Hassan working in the the lobby bar he is really a kind , polite and helpful person. I want to thank The market restaurant for it's wonderful food and service and the stuff that really works so hard to make sure that the guest gets what he wants.But, I don't recommend "Royal safari" ,their safari trip was terrible by all means the price doesn't meet it's value at all and the trip was bad from the start to finish I can't mention a single advantage of it.

  • The staff are really helpful and the vipe here is great
  • You have alot of options to choose how you want to spend your time
  • The safari office "Royal safari" was a really terrible experience(mentioned in the review)
Добавлено: 09.07.2023 19:00
Статус отзыва: Благодарность - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 648 символов в тексте
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Регистрация: 09.07.2023
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  • Читательский охват: 86