Регистрация: 21.08.21
Страны, города: 1 / 2
Отзывов: 3
Комментариев: 0
Читательский охват: 1098
Фото: 0
Отдыхала Парой в
июне 2022
01.06.22 - 08.06.22
- Рекомендую отель


5 размещение

5 сервис

5 питание

Благодарность - не влияет на рейтинг

Nice vacation

It was our first time together and it was awesome! firstly, the hotel is just wow! insanely beautiful area! tasty food! comfortable rooms! and the staff are ALL FRIENDLY! The people made our stay unforgettable. The guys from the bar are very funny Anil, Tara, al Amin, Eva. they will always support and give their smile, so there was no need to be bored. Oh! Boredom is definitely not about this hotel. Animation team wow! Kimo won us over with his light show!!!! this is some kind of miracle! I couldn't breathe - it was so exciting! I absolutely love this show! Kimo also played with fire. My God! It was scary and exciting at the same time! During the day, he always made us laugh. showed tricks. in general, all the guys on this island are amazing! I advise everyone to spend their holidays here! We are delighted and will definitely be back!

Плюсы отеля
Ocean team
Минусы отеля
Добавлено 14.06.22 21:27 (873 символов в тексте)

15:11 15.06.22

Наталья, добрый день!
Благодарим вас за отзыв! Мы рады, что вы остались довольны отдыхом. Признательны за высокую оценку сервиса и анимации.

Надеемся увидеть вас вновь на нашем острове !

С уважением,
Sun Island Resort&Spa
(Villa Hotels&Resorts)

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