за последние 30 дней
Unbelievable vacation
Im very thankful to service staff who were high totch. The best one in the lobby was Mina, responsible, kind, attentive to all details. He is superprofessional and multitasking.
Too thankful to Ashraf, an administrator in the restaurant. He is so patient to his workers, everything is under his control, he refered to them with reslect. It was so pleasant to observe. Concerning guests, always attentive, polite, can solve any problem if it exists. Ashraf, u are the best one.
I lived in room 4003. Always super clean! Thanks for cleaner of this room!
Thanks a lot to chef of the restaurant! Food is so delicious, we couldnt stop eating)))
As my son said This hotel deserves 7 stars, thankful to all staff who work there.
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