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Отзыв об отеле Turquoise Swiss Inn (отель был переименован 01.12.15)
Отдыхал в январе 2010
01.01.10 - 15.01.10
- Воздержался
  • 4 размещение
  • 4 сервис
  • 4 питание
Корректный отзыв
Влияет на рейтинг отеля

Well... To begin with i would like to say that i really...

Well... To begin with i would like to say that i really enjoyed my stay at this very hotel. The most important thing on holiday is the sea. As for this hotel - it is only 2 minutes walk to the sea. From other hotels even with 5 stars in Sharm you are to take the bus to get there and of course it is very inconvenient! I was very lucky with the weather in January. The sun was shining brightly andthere is no clouds in the sky. The t is about +30C. I do not wa was nt to go back to Russia where it is -25(((((

The food was quite all right and the waiters were always in a hurry to help u. The guys at the reception were always very polite and friendly always ready to help any time u had a problem, especially Kareem - a handsom man with beautiful eyes and a nice smile.

As for the presents to buy, please don't go to any shop near by - go directly to Mohamed (to the shop near the hotel)!!!!! Everything is much cheaper here!! Believe it is true 100%!)

The only minus is the lack of animation! ((( But if you come here with friends u can make it yourself in the disco bar!!!

If you want to have a nice time in Egypt - come to Turquoise Hotel!

Добавлено: 12.01.2010 17:45
Статус отзыва: Корректный отзыв - Влияет на рейтинг отеля 1 150 символов в тексте

Комментарии к отзыву (2)

Ха,ха, какой нелепый пиар. 100% писал сотрудник отеля. И 90% Карим, который с прекрасными))) глазами и улыбкой. В общем хорошо посмеялся.
Все действительно так, как написано в отзыве. Никакого пиара! У Карима, действительно красивые глаза!

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