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Отзыв об отеле Amara Premier Palace (отель был переименован 01.11.23)
Отдыхал В одиночку в августе 2017
14.08.17 - 18.08.17
- Не рекомендую отель
  • 1 размещение
  • 1 сервис
  • 1 питание
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I was been jump by people inside of hotel


One night i want to the night club in Kemer, they try to take my money , so I told them that we have to go to the hotel to get my credit card. When we came to hotel I told them to show me menu that is right price, but they just show me price of $3,500 on the peace of paper . I told them Not gonna pay for price on peace of paper where is not ever club name, We was in territory of hotel three people jump on me and hotel staff didn't do nothing, they just stand there, like nothing happened, I went to reception and ask them to call police because they took my phone, They guy in front desk told me that they can't call police, I was shocked from hotel , ask for manager when manager came told me same. They guys who jump on me call police on the end to get money, when police came to hotel I told police that three guys jump on me and I wan't to make complainant in police station that they took my phone and hit me. We want to police station, and police didn't even listen me , they told me I have to go , I told them that I can't go because 4 guys was waiting outside, and told them that they have to took me back to hotel where they pick me up, first they almost kick me out from police station, but they when I told them That I am citizen of United State and Russian Federation, they took me back to hotel and make me pay of amount $1000 , Next morning came to security of hotel and ask for video where they jump on me in property of hotel and they said that we not going to give you that, ask them that pute this on peace of paper that they cant give me video and didn't even do that. I CAN TELL ONE THINK BEEN TURKISH MY SELF, THAT HOW WAS THIS HOTEL AND POLICE TREAD ME EVEN I WAS GUEST , ITS WAS WORTH EXPERIENCE ON MY LIFE. Just don't want anymore people been tread like me from this hotel, people pls be careful there.

  • most dendurast place
Добавлено: 25.08.2017 16:39
Статус отзыва: Претензия - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 1 833 символов в тексте
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