Добавлено с IP адреса Турции

Отдыхал С семьей в августе 2017
01.08.17 - 20.08.17
- Не рекомендую отель
  • 1 размещение
  • 1 сервис
  • - без питания
Внимание: Локальный IP
Не влияет на рейтинг отеля

Poor Stuff and Guest Relationship

We arrived at the Trendy Lara Hotel on the 20th of August 2017 with all confirmation documents of our reservation. By the way, the booking was paid one month before arrival. And some days before arrival I sent an email to the hotel with a request to confirm our reservation. Nobody answered me. Moreover, Selcuk Ozturk, the asst. Front office manager, told me that answering on email is not his duty and he cannot help us. In addition to it, nobody offers even some water for us or opportunity to have a dinner while we are waiting. We are sitting at hotel's lobby for 3 hours with a child and there is no person who is interested in our problem exept us. They couldn't find our reservation and any solutions to resolve this problem.

The stuff is unfriendly and the guest relationtion office is disappointing.

Yuliya Nikonova

  • check in
  • guest relation
Добавлено: 20.08.2017 12:24 с IP адреса Турции
Статус отзыва: Внимание: Локальный IP - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 829 символов в тексте
Все отзывы по отелю (389) Предыдущий отзыв Следующий отзыв
Не проверенный аккаунт
Регистрация: 20.08.2017
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  • Отзывы: 0
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  • Комментариев: 0
  • Читательский охват: 701