за последние 30 дней
Great hotel was ruined by unintelligent management
Guys who designed this hotel did their best! I would really like to visit this hotel in those old days when it opened since the location and layout of the rooms, pools, facilities, food, entertainment are designed perfectly.
Now the hotel strongly requires the renovation. I responsibly say that you'll not find a standard room where everything was working properly. Many things have traces of fix, others are permanently dirty.
Service. Completely doesn't match the 5stars level. Perhaps in the "priveleged" program things are better but ordinary guest needs to be generous (tips work), persistent, observant and not shy. And "in 2 minutes" means any time period.
Animation. From russian point of view it's absent. Most of entertainment events are on demand. In June kid's club was often empty, minidisco was cancelled since they were not claimed by guests. By guests with children... hm... american mentality?.. We didn't understand.
Beach. Absent! We knew this and were prepared to go and settle down on neighbour hotel's beaches as wild animals. And You?
Guests. Oh... Mostly not the cream of American society. Drunken screams in the night, crazy youngsters, the smell of vomit in the morning: Dominicana is like a Turkey, but instead of russians there are american tourists.
Though it's not all that bad.
Food. In main restaurant is excellent: various, astonishing... Restaurants "a la cart" are boring and do not worth the visit except the "Japanese" bar.
And you must visit Macao beach and try surfing! The most significant experience I took off from the island.
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