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Отдыхал С друзьями в мае 2017
01.05.17 - 30.05.17
- Рекомендую отель
  • 5 размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 5 питание
Корректный отзыв
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Все на высшем уровне!!!!!!!!!!Рекомендую!

We were at this hotel in the middle of May, with my friends! Everything is brilliant! The owners of this hotel are the best! Thanks for all of the benefits of this hotel! All of the staff are so helpful. They can help with all the problems which occur. In the middle of the night my pregnant friend had a high temperature, they gave everything that we asked for and consulted us about the doctor. Food is great. The variety of dishes is very different, so you can easily find out what you want. The cleaning service is on the high level, they clean the rooms every day and , of course, change towels and bedclothes. Also, I would like to say THANKS TO THE ANIMATION GROUT!!!! AHMET AND PIKACHU ARE THE BEST!!! They really made our rest!The presentation, fire show,Water Polo,physical jerks were great! People who write bad reviews, maybe you haven't been nowhere before??? It was our first time in the Onkel Hotel and we will be back here !!! IT IS FOR SURE!!!

Всего медиа - 4 Фотографий - 4 Видео - 0
Добавлено: 30.05.2017 22:12
Статус отзыва: Корректный отзыв - Влияет на рейтинг отеля 960 символов в тексте
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Регистрация: 30.05.2017
  • Страны, города: 1 / 1
  • Отели: 1
  • Отзывы: 1
  • Фото, видео: 4
  • Комментариев: 0
  • Читательский охват: 612