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Отзыв об отеле Novia Lucida Beach (отель был переименован 01.01.17)
Отдыхал С семьей в июле 2016
29.06.16 - 06.07.16
- Рекомендую отель
  • 5 размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 4 питание
Корректный отзыв
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I can say that the Lucita Resort and Hotel is a very good...

I can say that the Lucita Resort and Hotel is a very good place in a reasonable price. It is located very close to the beach where you can always find the place to relax.

The hotel is very clean, the towels are changed every day and the rooms are cleaned also every day.

The hotel guests can use SPA area where we spend a lot of time and bought vouchers for massages (e.g.medical, thai, hamam). From all of the SPA area we especially recommend Petri (medical massage), Sveta and Tungay (thai massage). After each massage each guest can drink tea with the SPA team.

The atmosphere in the hotel is very friendly which helps the guests to use their holidays fully.

What is more there are a lot of opportunities for spending time actively - e.g. yoga, aqua aerobic etc.

Zuzanna Piasecka from Poland

  • - close to the beach; - very clean; - located in very interesting surroundings
  • - low limit for the wifi - when you use it you have to pay additional prices - 5 $ per day;
Добавлено: 11.07.2016 16:29
Статус отзыва: Корректный отзыв - Влияет на рейтинг отеля 802 символов в тексте
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Регистрация: 11.07.2016
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  • Читательский охват: 122