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Отдыхала В одиночку в марте 2015
01.03.15 - 31.03.15
- Рекомендую отель
  • 5 размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 5 питание
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I really liked the Rivoli hotel, very good location, in the...

I really liked the Rivoli hotel, very good location, in the center of Jerusalem. Very friendly people, very kind and helpful at this hotel. And a good breakfast. Sausage cheese cream olive olives tea coffee eggs and various sauces, milk and everything is fresh and clean. It is like the fruit of the avocado. I was delighted with the hotel from the city of Jerusalem, walking on it, rest in March 2015 alone. If regaining come, but probably not soon.

  • city center
Добавлено: 22.05.2016 19:40
Статус отзыва: Благодарность - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 450 символов в тексте
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Комментарии к отзыву (1)

The hotel is located in the city center, and it is very well positioned and very nice kind and helpful people working at the Rivoli. I have given them hello. I embrace them, that guy who wore me food in the room. It is a pity that I did not want to drink wine with you. And walk on the roof, I'm just scared as the first time has got in another country. I hug you're a good guy. And kiss you.
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Anatolevna-nata Homutinnikova
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Регистрация: 22.05.2016
  • Страны, города: 1 / 1
  • Отели: 1
  • Отзывы: 1
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  • Комментариев: 0
  • Читательский охват: 100