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Отзыв об отеле Sentido Zeynep Resort & Golf, Zeynep Resort,Sun Zeynep (отель был переименован 01.02.18)
Отдыхала С друзьями в мае 2015
01.05.15 - 31.05.15
- Рекомендую отель
  • 5 размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 5 питание
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The greatest place for the holidays

I stayed at Sentido Zeynep hotel from May'17 to May'24 and it was the best holidays ever in my life. The resort is amazing and it's never boring there. There're lots of activities from mornings to the late evenings. My specail thanks go to the animation team which was doing their job great! These guys just had activities for everyone depending on the age and interests. The staff of the resort is very friendly as well. There was a gread choice of different food, drinks, desserts and everything was so tasty!! I was staying with my friend and we also enjoyed the spa procedures at the resort like sauna, hamam, massage and peeling. I will definitely come back to this hotel! Animation team ( Bob Marley, Hasheem, Firo, Kohran etc), guys , you're the best and so professional!!! I hope to see you all next year.

  • frindly staff
  • professional animation team
  • tasty food
  • lots of activities
  • live music was boring
Добавлено: 03.06.2015 17:42
Статус отзыва: Благодарность - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 814 символов в тексте
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Irina Medinina
Проверенный аккаунт
Регистрация: 03.06.2015
  • Страны, города: 1 / 1
  • Отели: 1
  • Отзывы: 1
  • Фото, видео: 0
  • Комментариев: 0
  • Читательский охват: 177