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Читательский охват
Отдыхала С семьей в январе 2015
01.01.15 - 31.01.15
- Рекомендую отель
  • 5 размещение
  • 4 сервис
  • 4 питание
Корректный отзыв
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Very comfortable with no extras

We spent there New Years 2014-15. A new hotel. Very comfortable, with no extras. We really did not spend much time at the hotel, but it has a great location. New Year dinner was a great great disappointment. Don't take it! There is a small kids room, but parents need to stay there with kids. Around New Year celebrations, there are a few activities for kids organized by the hotel, such as decorating cookies and christmas trees, meeting Santa. Really kids can get confused because they can meet Santa 3-4 times around 31st of December or 1st of January. My daughter did not mind - especially getting gifts helped. We were not warned ahead and did not know that parents had to provide gifts to the hotel staff ahead of time so that the kid got it from the Santa later, but was not a problem at the end, because we were not the only ones and hotel provided all kids with nice simple gifts.

If you go to Lapland, take advantage of all trips such as visit to trolls, santa village, visit to snow queen, motosafari. They are great! Our daughter just turned 7 at that time and loved it! We paid extra so that the Snow Queen especially congratulated her with her birthday and gave her a cake which she then shared with the kids who were on the excursion. They ate it at the ice restaurant of the snow queen. Don't go there for a real dinner - people who went said that it took too long to have their dinner served and they got really really cold. We met New Years at Shaman's house and had dinner there. It was a nice experience. Everything is very expensive, but you will have a wonderful time with your kids and memories will last forever.

Also - definitely fly to Rovaniemi - the charter flight is very nice! Do not take the train! It is not worth it! There is no such thing as Santa Express.

Оценка сервисов отеля автором

4.3 Качество сервисов и обслуживания
  • 5.0 Скорость и качество интернет соединения(WiFi)
  • Анимация
  • 4.0 Вежливый и внимательный персонал
  • 4.0 Работа ресепшен
5.0 Подходит для отдыха
  • Деловая поездка
  • Семейный с детьми
  • С друзьями
  • Парой
  • 5.0 Если нужно только переночевать
  • Тусовочный
  • 5.0 Спокойный
4.5 Сервисы для детей
  • 4.0 Инфраструктура для детей
  • Детская анимация
  • 5.0 Питание для детей
5.0 Удобство расположения
  • Где развлечься - ночные клубы, кино, т.д.
  • Кафе, рестораны, магазины
  • 5.0 По отношению к достопримечательностям
5.0 Номера
  • Кондиционирование номеров
  • 5.0 Уборка номеров
  • 5.0 Качество мебели, сантехники
  • 5.0 Звукоизоляция в номере
4.0 Инфраструктура отеля
  • 5.0 Безопасность в отеле
  • 4.0 Рестораны и бары
  • 4.0 Удобная парковка
  • 3.0 Благоустройство территории
  • nice breakfast buffet; great location; everything is new
  • horrible new year's dinner; not much to do at the hotel
Добавлено: 28.05.2015 14:54
Статус отзыва: Корректный отзыв - Влияет на рейтинг отеля 1 813 символов в тексте
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Регистрация: 28.05.2015
  • Страны, города: 5 / 5
  • Отели: 4
  • Отзывы: 4
  • Фото, видео: 0
  • Комментариев: 1
  • Читательский охват: 619