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Отзыв об отеле Elysees Hurgada Resort (отель был переименован 01.09.17)
Отдыхал С семьей в марте 2015
17.03.15 - 27.03.15
- Рекомендую отель
  • 4 размещение
  • 4 сервис
  • 4 питание
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Выбор гостиницы был обусловлен в основном причиной наличия пляжа Dream Beach

Actually I would like to leave this guest comment to the top management of the hotel. We`ve been guests of your hotel (me and my mother) from the 17th till 27th of March.

I`ve been working as a hotel guide in Hurghada before, so I know the touristic business well.. There are always pluses and minuses, as always. But I would really like to thank some guys from your staff for their good attitude, friendliness to guests and good knowledge of what touristic service is. These men are:

- 1st of all, waiter Emad: mainly he is working in the main restaurant, sometimes at the pool bar. He is dark skin, from Asuan. I`ve never met somebody from the service staff who is so kind and friendly!

- 2nd, would like to thank for a good attitude and taking care of us always Mohammed Fawzy restaurant manager.

- 3d, Amr working barman (main restaurant, beach bar) for friendliness and attentiveness to us.

I would like to ask the top management of Elysees Hotel to appreciate these members of hotel`s personnel in future. And for Emad, Mohammed,Amr we wish higher job titles in future and raising their salaries! Because of these few members of your Elysees team our staying in your hotel was unforgettable! Thank you!!!


Olga & Alla (guests of Odeon Tour)

Добавлено: 02.04.2015 22:40
Статус отзыва: Благодарность - Не влияет на рейтинг отеля 1 268 символов в тексте
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Olga Mironyuk
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  • Читательский охват: 274