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Добавлено с IP адреса Египта

Отдыхал С друзьями в сентябре 2014
01.09.14 - 15.09.14
- Рекомендую отель
  • 5- размещение
  • 5 сервис
  • 5- питание
Внимание: Локальный IP
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The reception was very welcomed and everything went smoothly...

The reception was very welcomed and everything went smoothly and easy they have done everything on there hands to enjoy our staying

The food was good but not excellent there was a plenty of it the whole period and the juices also but I hope to add to it fresh juices also

The animation team was awesome we have met and dealt with almost of them first Simona very nice and friendly , then we met Ramy a very decent man who took us to taj mahal

, then we met ksusha excellent host she made our days there , she isfunny, reliable, adorable, kind I think she is the role modle hostess

At the end it's a very lovely resort I recommend all of you to try it

Добавлено: 12.09.2014 20:32 с IP адреса Египта
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