Вопрос об отеле № 1017055 Юлия Москвина Москва Турист 21.10.2019 16:09 Good day! a compliment to the birthday ?)) Наргиз Помощник TopHotels 24.10.19 18:20 Good evening,Юлия! This hotel doesn't provide a compliment to the birthday. Best Regards,Nargiz Makrayeva, Specialist of the "Assistant TopHotels" Service 21.10.2019 16:09 Good day! a compliment to the birthday ?)) 1 ответ Смотреть все вопросы
Юлия Москвина Москва Турист 21.10.2019 16:09 Good day! a compliment to the birthday ?)) Наргиз Помощник TopHotels 24.10.19 18:20 Good evening,Юлия! This hotel doesn't provide a compliment to the birthday. Best Regards,Nargiz Makrayeva, Specialist of the "Assistant TopHotels" Service 21.10.2019 16:09 Good day! a compliment to the birthday ?)) 1 ответ Смотреть все вопросы
Good evening,Юлия! This hotel doesn't provide a compliment to the birthday.
Best Regards,Nargiz Makrayeva,
Specialist of the "Assistant TopHotels" Service