Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, есть ли в номерах возможность подключить к телевизору USB-устройство для просмотра фильмов? Например, флеш-накопитель? Спасибо.
Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon
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Dear Maria
Thank you for your inquiry and there will be a possibility to use a USB drive through the TV as the TV is having USB slot but there is no other USB slots connected to movie library or any other channel.
We trust that the information given, will assist you and looking forward to hear from you soon.
Thank you
Kasun Hennayaka
Front Office Manager
Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, есть ли в номерах возможность подключить к теле ...
Dear Maria
Thank you for your inquiry and there will be a possibility to use a USB drive through the TV as the TV is having USB slot but there is no other USB slots connected to movie library or any other channel.
We trust that the information given, will assist you and looking forward to hear from you soon.
Thank you
Kasun Hennayaka
Front Office Manager